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Crooked teeth? Find out how to fix it

Crooked teeth: what are the causes?

Crooked teeth

Having misaligned teeth can be the consequence of factors such as:
  • Genetic predisposition: hereditary factors can play a determining role in the placement of the teeth.
  • Bad habits during childhood: the use of pacifiers, or habits such as thumb sucking, can lead to poor development and placement of teeth in the future for the baby.
  • Insufficient space in the maxilla: the teeth need space to be able to be placed correctly. However, when the space is not enough, the teeth can be twisted, mounted on each other, etc.
  • Periodontitis: one of the consequences of this chronic inflammation of the gums is the mobility of the teeth, which can end up being lost completely.
  • Other problems: sometimes, caries problems, trauma, etc., can also lead to crooked teeth.

What problems can I have due to crooked teeth?

In turn, crooked teeth have a series of associated complications, and some of them can be quite serious.

  • Caries: when they are not well placed, the teeth usually have less space between them; they are crowded, which makes cleaning difficult and can lead to cavities.
  • Periodontitis: the accumulation of supragingival tartar due to difficulties in carrying out an optimal cleaning of the teeth, can become a problem of subgingival tartar, and lead to periodontitis.
  • Muscular pains: as a consequence of the malocclusion. These, in turn, can lead to headache and neck pain problems.
  • Aesthetic and self-esteem problems: many people with crooked teeth do not feel comfortable with the image of their teeth, and therefore, of their smile. This can be associated with insecurities.

Luckily, you can probably avoid most of these problems if you get in the hands of a professional in time to find a solution to your crooked teeth.

What treatment for crooked teeth can help me?

The remedy par excellence to correct the position of the teeth is orthodontics, although as we will see, sometimes there are other alternatives. There are several types of orthodontics:

Orthodontics with braces

They are fixed appliances, made of materials such as metalzirconiumceramic, or sapphire, which exert pressure and transmit the necessary tension to the teeth to correct their position gradually and in a controlled manner.

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